10u-12u Love of the Game Philosophy

Fundamental Development & Growing Love for the game
Learning how to play the right way in addition to the development of physical and mental skills. Our Focus is on understanding fundamental mechanics in addition to learning where to be and what to do.
Learning how to compete and win is just as important. Not a win at all costs coaching philosophy, however, we still expect a high level of accountability and competition. Wins and losses don’t matter but playing to win every play is.
We will move players around at positions we feel they have a chance to develop at. However, this is not a recreational program and we will not treat it as such. Players will play in positions we feel they can succeed at while still practicing multiple positions so we don’t limit any future potential at other positions. We want to create as many well rounded players as possible.
Learning what work ethic is and its importance. Each kid gets opportunity but players at all ages need to learn how to deal with failure and respond positively to it. This is a major part of development.
Our Goal is for players to grow their love for the game and the process it takes to get better to achieve their goals. With a supportive environment that allows kids to have fun and want to work on their skills to get better, we aim to create foundational building blocks that set them up for future success.